1800 Woodfield Dr. Suite A Savoy, IL 61874

Savoy, IL

In the Savoy, IL location We provide

Waiting Area

Waiting Area

Have a seat in the waiting area. Your counselor will be out to meet you at the time of your appointment.


Feel free to make yourself a coffee/tea or go to the restroom while you wait.

Office Support

Barbra King, Office Assistant

[email protected]


Barbra’s Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm

Counseling office

We provide professional counseling services for adults, teenagers, and children that experience mental health issues and support for those struggling with inter-personal relationships.

Massage Rooms

Shanda work with clients that are BUSY recovering from surgery Ready to be OUT of Pain working on better function for their sport At the end of the session you will have a plan for better range of motion, better function and use of your muscle groups, and less pain.

Shanda Nichols

Owner/Massage Therapist

[email protected]

Owner and Clinical Director

Tony Nichols, LPC

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Certified in EMDR from EMDRIA
Available in-person and telehealth

[email protected]

Employment Opportunities

We are hiring new positions below:

Site Supervisor

Qualifications: Psychologist, LCPC, LCSW
Pay: $70/Hr

Email your resume to [email protected]

To Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation