Jason specializes in treating ADHD. He is participating in the ADHD Clinical Services Provider Certification training course: Strength-based Interventions to Thrive with ADHD from Childhood to Adulthood.
ADHD Information:
- Affects 3-6% of the world’s population
- Lifetime Disorder
- Underdiagnosed
TreatableAdults with ADHD
- At least 50% of children retain ADHD symptoms into adulthood
- Higher rate of head trauma and dental trauma (Thikkurissy, McTigue, and Coury 2012; Bimstein et al. 2008)
- Higher rate of obesity (Cortese et al. 2013)
- Four times higher rate of eating disorders (Biederman et al. 2007)
- More likely to be suicidal (Nazaretal.2013;Hinshawetal)
- 24% unemployment rate for Adults with ADHD (Halmey et al. 2009)
- More likely to be in car accidents
- More likely to gamble or engage in high-risk situations
- More likely to be incarcerated
- Increased unplanned pregnancies
There is HOPE!
While there is no cure for ADHD, it is treatable. With treatments you can experience relief from intensity and frequency. Schedule your appointment today!